TO: All Members of Local Union 2251
FROM: Mike Da Prat, President
RE: General Membership Meeting Summary Report for April 19, 2023
The following notes represent my personal summary of the April General Membership Meeting and ARE NOT OFFICIAL MINUTES. They are for the express purpose of keeping the members informed in a timely fashion. Since minutes must be approved at a subsequent General Membership Meeting, any updates which would require the use of the actual minutes would result in updates being one-month old.
The following was approved at the April meeting:
Exempt - 138
Local 2251 - 2243
Local 2724 - 517
Grand total 2898
President's Report
- Contract for Unifor 1359 (Office Staff)
The Employer agrees if Local 2251 receives Family Day or any other newly created day, the office and clerical staff will also be
provided those stats.
All Office/clerical staff will be increased to the value of JC 8 Clerical 2251 as of June 16, 2022. All future increases will be
calculated at the equivalent to a JC 8 clerical 2251.
COLA will be the same as Local 2251.
Contract will be in effect from June 16, 2023 until June 15, 2027.
Motion by Brothers DeGregorio/Roussain that we approve the Collective Agreement agreement for Unifor 1359 (Office Staff) as reported. Motion was carried.
-- He also talked about requesting the overtime lists from the stewards
- He stated the Local will be looking for support to purchase USW 2251 caps. The motion will be brought to the floor once we have a
price. He stated we would be looking at 2500 caps.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held on May 17th, 2023, at the Delta Hotel at 7:30 pm.