TO: All Members of Local Union 2251
FROM: Mike Da Prat, President
RE: General Membership Meeting Summary Report for June 21st,, 2023
The following notes represent my personal summary of the June General Membership Meeting and ARE NOT OFFICIAL MINUTES. They are for the express purpose of keeping the members informed in a timely fashion. Since minutes must be approved at a subsequent General Membership Meeting, any updates which would require the use of the actual minutes would result in updates being one-month old.
The following was approved at the June meeting:
Exempt - 149
Local 2251 - 2321
Local 2724 - 526
Grand total 2996
The following motions were approved:
· 1) Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to the Sault Ste Marie & District Labour Council to fill backpacks
· 4) Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to The Fringe North Festival 2023 to be held in Sault Ste Marie on August 16-20, 2023.
· 5) Motion – Approve a cost of $2503.94 to purchase a Power PDF Program to replace Paperport.
President's Report
- Mike spoke about the Joint Health & Safety and all of the issues the Local has had with it being followed in Algoma Steel.
· Mike stated that we have set up a Special Membership Meeting to address the concerns with the letter regarding reductions
because of the EAF. It will be held on July 27th, 2023 at the Quattro Hotel.
· Mike stated that the profit sharing would be deposited on June 23rd but we did not have any figures yet.
- He also spoke on the fatality of Damien Bryant in Algoma Steel and the investigation that was taking place.
- He spoke on staffing lines.
- He also spoke on new hires must not be afraid to ask questions if they don't know or are unsure about their jobs.
- Mike stated that the Statutory Holiday on a Saturday was the employer's choice of what day they would take off for the holiday.
- Our Golf Tournament is on August 13th and we need 8 golfers. Please submit your name to If we have
more than 8 names, we will have a draw.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held on July 19th, 2023, at the Delta Hotel at 7:30 pm.