TO: All Members of Local Union 2251
FROM: Mike Da Prat, President
RE: General Membership Meeting Summary Report for May 17th, 2023
The following notes represent my personal summary of the May General Membership Meeting and ARE NOT OFFICIAL MINUTES. They are for the express purpose of keeping the members informed in a timely fashion. Since minutes must be approved at a subsequent General Membership Meeting, any updates which would require the use of the actual minutes would result in updates being one-month old.
The following was approved at the May meeting:
MANNING REPORT AS OF April 30th, 2023
Exempt - 140
Local 2251 - 2255
Local 2724 - 519
Grand total 2914
The following motions were approved:
· 1) Motion – Approve an additional $33.90 to approve the donation for the Algoma University Student Handbook 2023/2024. Original motion was passed on February 15th, 2023. Price increased by $33.90.
· 2) Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to sponsor the Sault Pride’s 10th Annual Pridefest to be held July 16th – 30th, 2023.
· Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to 2310 Army Cadet League of Canada for their 75th Anniversary to be held on June 2nd and 3rd, 2023.
· 4) Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to Grover4Good for their 2nd Annual “Come as you are” Gala Barbeque.
· 5) Motion – Approve a donation of $446.35 to sponsor the Courageous K9’s.
· 6) Motion – Approve a donation of $1000.00 to sponsor the 5th Annual Golf for Kids Sake Tournament.
President's Report
- Mike spoke about the Joint Health & Safety Manual stating that it was almost ready to go to the printers
· Mike stated that he will call a Special Membership Meeting when mitigation strategy is developed for the EAF – Reductions.
· Mike stated that the Company policy requires that employees report any prescribed drugs that they are taking.
· He also stated that we are looking for anyone who is interested in becoming a Safety Rep. Names and resumes should be submitted to
· Mike explained that there is an ongoing dispute between LU 2251 and the Company regarding medical gate passes.
· Mike stated that the COLA was to increase to $1.08 on May 21, 2023.
· Mike gave an explanation on where we are in finding Canadian hats manufacturers.
The next General Membership Meeting will be held on June 21st, 2023, at the Delta Hotel at 7:30 pm.